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lsass.exe is a Windows process that takes care of security policy for the OS. For example, when you logon to a Windows user account or server lsass.exe verifies the logon name and password. If you terminate lsass.exe you will probably find yourself logged out of Windows. lsass.exe also writes to the Windows Security Log so you can search there for failed authentication attempts along with other security policy issues.
Publisher: Microsoft Windows
lsass.exe stands for Local Security Authority Subsystem Service.
lsass.exe controls all Windows security system policies and authentication.
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While investigating lsass.exe with the GlassWire network security monitor on our devices based in Austin, TX USA we found a connection to a server controlled by a popular web browser called Opera am4.autoupdate.opera.com. This network activity appears to be normal behavior because we learned that lsass.exe is used to check website certificates and validate them. lsass.exe is also used to revoke bad website certificates. On our testing computer we had the Opera web browser installed.
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