- Concerned about your network's security, monitoring your computer connections, and protecting your privacy?
- Shed light over your network traffic with GlassWire!
The official user guide for GlassWire.
We built GlassWire to help our friends and family visually see what exactly their computers are doing over the Internet and regain control of their network activity, security, and privacy.
GlassWire is a network security tool that visualizes your past and present network activity on an easy-to-understand graph. The GlassWire tool alerts you to possible threats, manages your firewall, monitors remote servers, and helps anyone understand their network activity.
Install GlassWire to help protect your privacy, add an extra layer of security to your computers, and speed up your Internet access by removing or blocking applications that are wasting your bandwidth. This is our GlassWire Windows user guide. You can find our GlassWire Android user guide here.
Start by visiting https://glasswire.com/download/ and clicking the download button to download the GlassWire installer to your desktop. After downloading the GlassWire installer double click it and begin the installation process.
Click "Next" and follow the instructions in the installer to install the software. The licensing agreement will appear in the second window. If you agree, check the box that says "I accept the terms" and then click "Next".
In the next window you can choose to add GlassWire to your Windows quick launch area as a shortcut, decide to add GlassWire as a desktop icon or not, and decide if GlassWire should run on startup or not. Press "Next" after making your decision on these options. We recommend letting GlassWire run on startup because it runs in the tray and won't take up any screen real estate after a reboot unless you choose to click it in the notification area. In the next window you can choose where you want to install GlassWire.
GlassWire also has the option to install the software as a clean install. If you choose this option you will lose all your GlassWire settings, but if you’re a paid user you should keep your paid status. This feature is good to try if you are running into technical problems with GlassWire.
There is also an option to reset the Windows Firewall. If you want to start fresh with GlassWire and you don’t want other app Windows Firewall settings to interact with GlassWire’s firewall settings you can choose this option. Please note if you don’t reset the Windows Firewall settings some apps may temporarily access the network while GlassWire is in "Ask to connect" mode due to the previous Windows Firewall API rules.
Once GlassWire is installed press "OK" to launch the application and begin using it.
At first GlassWire may show you many "New" first network access notifications but as time goes by these notifications will not happen very frequently. We recommend keeping the GlassWire desktop notifications running so you'll be alerted to possible security problems or notice if a "new" application goes online that shouldn't be accessing the network at all. We will give instructions for changing notification settings or disabling them in the "Settings" part of the guide below.
When GlassWire appears after its installation there is a menu at the top left of the software that allows you to access many different features. Click the top left menu and you'll see a list of different options:
"Hide GlassWire" minimizes the software. If you want to bring GlassWire back you can click its icon in the bottom right notification area of your computer.
"Show Mini Viewer", when switched on, shows you a small network monitor you can show on your desktop all the time. Click the mini viewer window to change its transparency, or resize it.
"Upgrade" allows you to upgrade to the Premium version of the GlassWire software.
“Buy”, directs you to the Management Console where you can buy a plan containing the number of premium endpoints you require.
The "Language" option allows you to choose your language option with GlassWire. For example you can change the language to Spanish or German, plus many other languages.
The "Themes" feature allows you to choose different colors for your graph. Some colors make it easier to differentiate incoming bandwidth from outgoing, plus it's fun!
"Settings" can also be accessed via this menu. The GlassWire settings are discussed in detail later in this user guide.
"Snooze Alerts", when switched "on", disables any desktop notifications for 24 hours. If you don't want to be disturbed for 24 hours by any GlassWire notifications then you can choose this option. If you want to turn GlassWire notifications on before 24 hours you can select this option again, to switch "off", and GlassWire will begin to work normally again. If you dislike all notifications you can go to the GlassWire settings and view the "General" tab and uncheck "Enable tray notifications".
"Incognito" mode causes GlassWire to no longer save a record of your network activity on the graph. It works similar to the Incognito mode in most modern web browsers where GlassWire does not keep a record of your network activity on the graph. You can also make any application Incognito, for example any web browser. Go to the GlassWire Protect tab then click the app icon you want to be Incognito, then choose "More" then "Add to Incognito".
"Mobile" takes you to the online Google Play app store where you can download the GlassWire app.
"Forum" takes you to the online GlassWire Forum.
"Help" takes you to the online GlassWire help guide.
"About" shows the GlassWire about window with its version information. If someone asks you what version of GlassWire you are using you can find the info under "About".
The "Exit" option quits GlassWire. You can restart GlassWire by looking under the start menu or double click its icon on your desktop if you installed its icon there.
Almost all the GlassWire features can be accessed via the main GlassWire window.
The top left "Traffic Monitor" tab shows your network traffic from 3 separate views:
The "GlassWire Protect" tab allows you to block or unblock applications from accessing the Internet.
The "Log Analysis" tab shows you any alerts you may have received from GlassWire.
The "Network Scanner" tab shows you all the devices connected to your network.
The graph view visualizes your present and past network activity.
Choosing "All" at the top left shows all your network activity.
Choose "Apps" to see your network activity by application and "Traffic" to see
your network activity by traffic type and "Publishers" to see your network activity by publisher.
For example if you are sending a lot of ftp traffic then this traffic type (ftp)
will be separated from your other types of traffic so you can see exactly how much ftp traffic you
are sending or receiving.
Click the "Network Scanner" tab in the main GlassWire window to see a list of devices that are currently connected to the network or WiFi. This feature shows the manufacturer of the device on the network along with its IP and Mac address.
Go to GlassWire’s settings then choose "Security" to turn on the "Network Scanner". You can now get notified whenever a new unknown device joins your network.
Click the "Upgrade" option of the menu from within the app and you will be directed to Sign In to the Management Console. From here you can purchase a plan with the number of Premium endpoints you would like. You can then click the "Upgrade" button from within the app to assign a Premium subscription. If you have a legacy license code click the "Upgrade" button, but instead of continuing to sign in, select the option to "Upgrade GlassWire by license activation code".
GlassWire's paid software "Ask to connect" mode allows you to allow or deny network connections. Go to the "GlassWire Protect" tab and choose "Ask to connect" in the pull-down menu to turn on this paid feature so you can allow or deny connections.
Have you ever wanted to block all network access to your computer while you're away? This paid GlassWire feature is activated if you go to the "GlassWire Protect" tab and choose "Block all" in the pull-down menu. Now all network connections are blocked until you choose to unblock them with the same menu.
Paid users can add a small mini graph to their desktop to see their network activity at all times. Go to the top left "GlassWire" menu and choose "Show Mini Viewer" to activate this feature. Click on the filter icon to adjust the transparency and position of the graph. Drag the corners of the mini viewer larger/smaller to change their size.
Hover the mouse over the graph and a pause and snapshot icon will appear at the top right. Click the pause icon if you want to pause the graph. Once the graph is paused then the pause button will flash until you resume the graph by clicking it again.
The snapshot icon allows you to take a snapshot of your graph and save it to your desktop or share it on Twitter or Facebook. We really appreciate GlassWire fans spreading the word about our software #glasswire!
At the top right of the "Traffic Monitor" tab you can choose if you want to show the last 5 minutes, 3 hours, 24 hours, week, month of traffic. Once you choose the time at the top right you can then grab and move the sliders on the bottom timeline anywhere on the graph you want to make it appear in the large main graph window. Dragging the sliders allows you to zoom in on a certain time period on the graph.
On the bottom timeline the small dots on the graph are GlassWire alerts. You can drag the sliders to zoom in on those alerts and see what they are on the big graph.
If you want a slower flowing graph then you can choose "3 hours" at the top right of the graph, then drag both sliders to as far right as possible. The previous option is my personal favorite time setting with GlassWire, but other people may prefer a more exciting fast moving graph. If that's the case click the "5 minutes" option at the top right of the graph and keep the sliders at the far right. This is GlassWire's default slider settings. If you want an extremely slow graph that doesn't even look like it's moving you can also choose 24 hours and then drag the sliders to a place you feel comfortable with. It may be useful to use a 24 hour graph on a server or some other computer you don't access very often, or to find and zoom in on strange spikes or specific alerts. Play around with GlassWire's sliders and time options, I promise you won't break anything.
You may notice that the small bottom timeline graph isn't always identical to the top large graph. This is due to scaling, however if you zoom in to a certain section of the graph with the sliders you'll see that the graphs look identical if you choose the exact same time periods.
On the graph you may see a dark section that includes a clock icon. These graphics mean your computer was idle when that network activity occurred. To disable idle mode go to the top left GlassWire menu and choose "Settings" then uncheck the "Start idle mode" box. We recommend leaving the idle settings running so you can tell if it was you who initiated network activity or if it happened while you were away from your computer.
If you see a large spike or something unusual on the GlassWire graph it's easy to figure out what happened. Hover the mouse over the graph and click on the big spike in traffic or event you want to learn more information about. After you click the event the graph will automatically pause for you. To resume the graph click the top right flashing pause icon or right click the graph and it will go back to animating normally. To remove the graph's tracking line, right-click it once, and it will disappear.
Once you click an event on the graph and it's paused you will see that some application and host icons will appear directly under the large graph. Click these icons to see what applications were sending data during that event. Click the flag icon to see the servers that your computer was communicating with during that event. The flag represents the country of the network your computer was communicating with. If you see a flag you don't recognize you can click it to see the country name. If you see a blue and white striped flag then it may mean the host country is unknown.
The hosts and apps are listed in order of how much bandwidth they used so it's easier to see what app or network was sending or receiving the bandwidth to cause the event to appear on the graph. You can also click on the app icon or host to find out more information about it. For example if Firefox is your app you can click its icon and see where it is installed on your system and its version number.
If you find a suspicious looking host GlassWire can show you more details about that host. Click the (...) three dot menu after the host name then choose "search online" to learn more about a host from our GlassWire.com host information system.
Near the bottom on the left side of the graph there is a circle with an up arrow along with a separate colored circle with a down arrow. The up arrow color shows outgoing bandwidth color on the graph and the down arrow shows incoming bandwidth color. Going to the top left "GlassWire" menu and choosing "Themes" allows you to find a color that's easy for your eyes to see if you aren't happy with the default colors.
On the left side of the graph near the top you can see the scale of the graph. For example right now my graph shows a scale of 6Kb/s because I don't currently have much network activity going on while I write this document. However, if I begin to download a YouTube video or a big file the scale of the graph will change, and it may show something like 3 Mb/s instead. The scale of your graph may change occasionally due to your current network usage but it's nothing to worry about, unless you don't know what you're downloading that's changing the scale. If that's the case click the graph by following the "Clicking the Graph" instructions above and figure out what you're downloading for peace of mind. That's why we made GlassWire, to help you understand what's happening with your network activity.
There are lots of different firewall applications that are available but most of them use their own driver system and this can cause your computer to be unstable. GlassWire manages the built in Windows firewall to block or unblock applications so your operating system stays stable, secure, and reliable.
Go to the top GlassWire Protect tab in the main GlassWire window. The Apps column shows you what on your operating system is accessing the Internet. The hosts column shows who or what the app is communicating with. The up/down arrow column shows a graph of what the app has been doing over a long time period.
The GW Score Column displays a safety score based on the percentage of GlassWire users who have used this app in the past week. You will see a warning for any app which has a suspiciously low GW Score.
There are also 2 columns for Anomaly detection, these will indicate whether your average traffic in and traffic out of a particular app is similar to other GlassWire users, or significantly lower or higher.
There is also a "VirusTotal" column if you want to check your connected apps with VirusTotal.com (this feature is off by default and must be turned on in GlassWire’s settings).
At the top of the menu you can turn the GlassWire firewall on or off. Please note this does not turn off your Windows firewall. To block an app click the fire icon to the left of the application icon. For example with Firefox you would click the fire icon to the left of the Firefox icon. Now the fire icon has turned red and Firefox is blocked from accessing the Internet. Click the fire icon again to allow Firefox to access the Internet again.
If you want to unblock all your blocked apps at once then go to the top left and choose "Firewall off" then choose the same menu again to turn it back on.
To see more information about the application that you plan to block you can click on its icon. You can also do the same with the Hosts column. If you cannot use the GlassWire Protect tab at all then you may see an error message that lets you know your Windows Firewall is disabled at the operating system level. This is something that happened with your operating system and has nothing to do with GlassWire. GlassWire cannot disable your Windows firewall or re-enable it.
After the firewall is turned on you can use "Click to block" mode, "Ask to connect" mode, or "Block all" mode. "Click to block" mode lets all connections through, but allows you to later block connections you don’t like. "Ask to connect" will alert you before a connection starts and lets you allow or deny the connection, and "Block all" mode should block all network connections on your PC.
In the center of the firewall window is the "Firewall Profiles" option. You can create and save a firewall profile depending on your location, or how you use your device. For example, you can turn on "Ask to connect" mode and deny everything but Internet Explorer so nothing else accesses the network. You can then use this profile while you’re on a metered Internet connection to save data usage.
The usage table shows you visually what apps, hosts, traffic types and countries are using up most of your bandwidth. This feature allows you to figure out how much bandwidth your computer is using every month. If you want to keep tabs on how much bandwidth you are using you can click the alarm bell icon which will navigate to the "Data Plan" section within "Settings". You can then choose to get an alert once you get close to going over your bandwidth allocation over a specific amount of time. Please keep in mind that the usage table only shows the network activity for the specific computer you have GlassWire installed on and nothing else. For example if you have an Xbox or Apple TV set up somewhere else in your house then that bandwidth is not monitored or counted with these statistics, therefore you could go over your bandwidth usage due to those separate devices.
You can choose different bandwidth tracking options. For external and local you can choose to only show external traffic, or only show local, or show both. Local traffic is usually caused by computers talking with each other on your local network or your computer communicating with your local printer. Usually, this local bandwidth doesn't count as part of your service provider allowance and usually this local bandwidth is minimal.
The usage table allows you to break down traffic by all types, app types, and traffic types similar to the main graph window. You can also go to the middle top of the UI and pick a specific date you want to show data, or go to the far right and choose month, week, or day. The bottom slider works similar to the slider that is explained in the "Timeline and Sliders" section of this user guide in the section above.
GlassWire Log Analysis lets you know about important network related security alerts that may affect your computer. Go to the main GlassWire window and then click the "Log Analysis" tab to view your alerts. At the top right of the window, you can sort your alerts by date, apps, and type of alert. The number of new alerts will show as a red badge notification on the "Log Analysis" tab until the alerts have been read. You can see under the "Log Analysis" tab what alerts have been read or not by their color. To mark all alerts as read you can click the "mark all as read" button at the top center of the window.
The "New" or "First Network Activity" alert lets you know when a new application is accessing the Internet. When you first install GlassWire you will receive many of these "new" alerts while GlassWire learns what applications on your system normally use the Internet. These "new" alerts will become rare over time. These first network access alerts are useful because if you suddenly receive a "new" alert from an application that shouldn't normally access the Internet or from an application you don't remember installing it could be a privacy or security issue. You can then check the alert in detail and see what application is accessing the Internet, review who or what the app is communicating with, then decide to block it via the Firewall or take some other action.
There are many different GlassWire alerts.
First Network Activity – Alerts you every time a new application is accessing the Internet or network.
System File Monitor – Alerts you to a system file that has changed that is network related.
Device List Change – Alerts you to any network related devices on your system that have been changed.
Application Info Monitor – Alerts you to changes with any applications that access the Internet that could be caused by tampering with your computer.
While You Were Away – Gives you a summary of what network activity occurred on your computer while you were away or while your computer was idle.
ARP Spoofing – Looks for and reports ARP spoofing. ARP spoofing may allow an attacker to intercept data, modify your Internet traffic, or stop your traffic all together.
Bandwidth Average Monitor – Go to the "Usage" tab and click the "Options" on the left side to set an alert once you hit a certain bandwidth level.
Proxy Monitor – Alert you to proxy use or changes.
DNS Server Settings Monitor – Alerts you to DNS changes on your system.
Internet Access Monitor – Alerts you to Internet access changes on your system.
Remote GlassWire Connections – If you enable the remote access feature this alert lets you know when you connect to your server or computer remotely with GlassWire. Remote monitoring is popular with GlassWire users who manage remote servers for work, gaming, etc…
Suspicious Hosts – GlassWire keeps an up to date list of known suspicious hosts and alerts you if you contact one. Suspicious hosts are often related to botnets, malware, and other malicious behavior.
Network Scanner – Get alerted when a new unknown device joins your network, or know what a device goes on/offline.
WiFi Evil Twin Alert – Know when a new WiFi access point appears with your current access point’s name. Or also know when your WiFi access point loses its password.
RDP Connection Detection - Alerts you when there is an RDP (remote desktop connection) connection to your PC or server in real-time.
VirusTotal Scan Results – Get alerts for all new Virus Total scan results.
Security Setting Monitor – Get alerts for any changes made to your GlassWire settings.
You can use GlassWire to monitor remote servers or other computers that you control. You must run GlassWire on your local monitoring PC and on every remote PC or server that you want to monitor. Remote monitoring is turned off by default and can only be turned on with your administrator password. Also GlassWire alerts you if you receive a remote GlassWire connection.
Remoting Out – To remote out and connect to another computer or server go to the "Server List" tab in the settings. The settings can be accessed by going to the top left "GlassWire" menu and choosing "Settings". Next click "Server List" then put in the Name (you can name it whatever you want), the computer IP address or host name, and password that you set up with GlassWire. Once you are connected the remote server's network activity will appear via the GlassWire graph window and you can monitor your server or computer remotely. On the remote PC you plan to connect to, follow the instructions below so you can connect to it.
Allowing Remote Access – To allow someone to remotely monitor your computer or server with GlassWire you must go to the GlassWire settings then choose the "Remote Access" tab. Next, click the "Remote Access" option and click "Unlock" and type in your operating system admin password to turn on this feature. You can then choose to allow remote access to the server or PC you want to monitor and put in a password. For extra security we recommend you only allow access from your IP address if it's a static one that doesn't change often.
Getting Connected
Custom Ports - You can also change the port you prefer to use on the remote PC under the "Remote Access" tab in GlassWire settings, then under "General". If you use our default port :7010 then you do not need to add anything after the remote PC IP address, however if you set a different port on the remote PC you should enter :XXXX where XXXX is the port you set on the remote PC settings.
If your remote PC is behind a router and you cannot connect you may have to turn on port forwarding with your router, or you could use a third party service like Ngrok or Hamachi. Try doing a search for your router name and "port forward" to find instructions on how to turn on port forwarding for your remote PC. Please note Ngrok or Hamachi may not be recommended for some types of secure networks, so if you're considering them in a business environment please discuss using those products with your local IT professional before trying them.
If GlassWire is running behind a router you may want to use the Port Forwarding feature of your router to enable remote connections.
You will need to forward the traffic from the router's public IP address to the computer's IP address, where GlassWire is running. Please refer to your router documentation to know how Port Forwarding may be configured. Also check your router firewall settings to make sure that it is allowed to accept the incoming connections.
To access the GlassWire settings go to the top left "GlassWire" menu and choose "Settings". You are now under the "General" tab in the settings.
The "Begin idle mode" allows you to choose if GlassWire will detect if your computer is idle or not and show that info on the graph. Showing your computer is idle on the graph is useful because if you notice strange network activity while you were idle then you will probably want to investigate what happened during that time period.
"Run on startup" makes GlassWire start when you start up your computer.
"Enable tray notifications" allows tray alerts to temporarily appear on your computer desktop and alert you to possible problems. If you only need to disable these notifications temporarily you can go to the top left GlassWire menu in the main window and choose "snooze alerts".
"Send GlassWire Alerts to Windows Event Log" duplicates alerts to you Windows logs.
"Enable admin account password request" keeps GlassWire more secure by only allowing changes to GlassWire if you have your admin password. Otherwise anyone who has access to your computer could easily change your GlassWire settings any time.
"Use system time format" to allow GlassWire to follow the time format specified in your system settings, otherwise it will follow the language settings.
"Look up DNS names for hosts (nslookup)" resolves DNS names via Nslookup.
"Bandwidth Speed Units" allows you to choose bytes or bits per second.
"Clear history" lets you to easily delete your graph history. We never have access to your graph history and your graph history is only stored locally on your computer.
The "Security" tab has a list of security related alerts you can enable or disable. If you want to disable the alerts that appear on your desktop then you can disable them under "Enable tray notifications" under the "General" tab. Disabling alerts under "Security" turns off the security alert permanently where you won't be alerted to malicious behavior in GlassWire at all. We recommend keeping these security alerts on unless you're receiving what you think is a false alarm. If you think you're receiving a false alarm, please report it to our helpdesk so we can investigate.
The VirusTotal API inside GlassWire is turned off by default. If you'd like to try VirusTotal inside GlassWire please go to the top left "GlassWire" menu and choose "Settings" then click "VirusTotal". Only Windows users with admin access should be able to turn on the VirusTotal API setting.
VirusTotal checks suspicious software samples with several antivirus solutions and helps antivirus labs by forwarding them the malware they fail to detect. VirusTotal is not an antivirus and should not be treated as one. GlassWire itself may occasionally be flagged as malware by VirusTotal as a false positive. If you have any concerns about this please email us, or post in our forum so we can help you investigate.
To begin trying the VirusTotal API inside GlassWire you need a personal VirusTotal API key. If you don’t already have one you can create one for free by following the steps below:
You can add your personal VirusTotal API Key by following the below steps:
Any file you upload will be shared with the VirusTotal information security community. Please check the VirusTotal privacy policy for details on solving problems for different file upload scenarios. No files are shared with GlassWire.
To analyze a file with VirusTotal go to GlassWire Protect tab, then hover the "VirusTotal" column and click "Analyze" on the file you want analyzed. Please note, uploading files to VirusTotal will use some network activity and you should use caution if you are on a metered or limited connection.
Once you analyzed the file you can click the file name to see the results on VirusTotal.com.
If the VirusTotal API is turned on VirusTotal cannot see your GlassWire network activity, but VirusTotal can see any files you choose to analyze.
If you'd like to check all your network related files with VirusTotal all the time and you have no concerns about uploading any network related files to VirusTotal you can choose the API setting "Automatically analyze all apps with network activity with VirusTotal." Now all your network related files will be automatically checked by VirusTotal and you can check them all any time under the "GlassWire Protect" tab.
If you try to upload too many files to VirusTotal at a time there could be a delay while your files are checked. Please be patient as your files enter a queue and are checked one by one by VirusTotal.
To turn off the VirusTotal API features go back to GlassWire's settings menu and uncheck the features you no longer want to use, then lock the settings.
If you'd like to move your GlassWire database to a different hard drive you can do so by following these instructions.
To move your GlassWire graph database please create a "glasswire.conf" file in notepad with this line only, or edit your current glasswire.conf file in C:\ProgramData\GlassWire\service\glasswire.conf
DbStorageDirectory = D:\GlassWire\glasswire.db
This file should be copied to the C:\ProgramData\GlassWire\service
The database path is set to D:\GlassWire\
folder in the file sample, but you can change the path to something else.
You should restart the GlassWire service when the file is copied.
If you need to do a clean install of GlassWire but don't want to lose your settings or graph data it's possible to backup your data, then restore it.
Backup instructions:
folder to C:\ProgramData\GlassWire.bak
folder to %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\GlassWire.bak
;Now it's time to restore your settings and GlassWire graph database.
Restore instructions:
folder to C:\ProgramData\GlassWire
folder to %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\GlassWire
;If you need to do a clean install of GlassWire and you don't want to lose your graph data and settings, but you moved your database from its default location please try these instructions.
Backup instructions (if you have moved your database):
, and find the DbStorageDirectory option. For example, its location could be listed as D:\GlassWire\glasswire.db
to D:\GlassWire.bak
folder to C:\ProgramData\GlassWire.bak
folder to %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\GlassWire.bak
;Restore instructions (if you have manually moved your database):
folder to C:\ProgramData\GlassWire
folder to %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\GlassWire
to D:\GlassWire
;To remove GlassWire go to Add/Remove programs by going to the main Windows control panel and then choosing "Uninstall a program".