
Safeguarding Your Data Privacy in the Digital Age

data privacy glasswire

The idea that technology carries risks isn’t new. But there’s a problem.
Most people don’t think about how their actions — or lack thereof — impact their risk profiles. In fact, many of us are more than willing to go with whatever’s easiest even when that may be a hazard. Data privacy is one major area where we could stand to improve, and tools like GlassWire make it way simpler to take charge.

What Is Data Privacy?

Data privacy is a subset of data protection. It entails an individual’s right to control what happens with their personal information. This includes how their data is stored, shared, collected, and otherwise used.

Hopefully, you’re thinking this definition sounds familiar. For instance, you’ve probably visited websites that included privacy controls or customizable settings. But data privacy isn’t just about satisfying personal preference. Even though preferences play a big part, information privacy is a matter of security.

Why Is Data Privacy Important?

Data privacy matters because it helps keep people, organizations, and systems safe. Protecting information from bad actors combats unintended victimization, letting everyone benefit from technology.

In some ways, these connections are obvious. For example, a website that lets users choose who gets to see their data might lower their risk of exposure to fraud and identity theft.

The risks of poor data privacy can be subtle yet extremely harmful. For instance, members of marginalized populations who used apps with poor data privacy have been tracked by law enforcement and their employers. Others have been illegally discriminated against by companies that bought their consumer data — a big problem in the age of AI decision-making. Technology-aided suppression and surveillance of political opponents are also common themes in autocratic nations.

It’s important to know that the impacts of poor privacy can impact anyone. You don’t need to be a criminal to be targeted by an oppressive government, and your data may even be used to justify criminalizing you. Hackers don’t care whether you’re a good person or not — they just want to steal your life. It’s critical to improve your odds with tools that detect spyware and other red flags.

Preserving Your Personal Data

There are smart moves anyone can take to boost their personal data privacy:

  • Develop better password habits: Don’t use easy-to-guess passwords, and never reuse them across sites. If your passwords get compromised, change them, and consider using a password manager.
  • Don’t use default device passwords: Create a strong Wi-Fi password before enabling your network. The same goes for using security cameras and similar connected devices — keeping the defaults makes life easy for bad actors.
  • Use multi-factor authentication: Having to check your phone every time you log in may seem annoying, but it’s a huge safety win.
  • Stay updated: Software and OS updates ensure you have the latest protection.
  • Don’t just accept the default privacy settings: Privacy settings exist for a reason, and you should use them. In today’s digital marketplaces, your information is a hot commodity. Be sure your favorite sites aren’t exposing you to unnecessary risks.
  • Connect securely: Always look for indicators that you’re connecting securely, like the lock icon in your browser’s address bar. Avoid using public Wi-Fi or regular HTTP connections for things that need to stay secure, like making payments or logging in.
  • Stop sharing everything on social media: Social media isn’t as secure as many platforms would have you believe. After all, the point of sites like Facebook, Twitter, and others is to let people find you. Think carefully about what you’re putting out there!
  • Know and manage your networks: Using network health monitoring tools and firewalls is just as important as installing antivirus software. You don’t have to be a tech genius to stay in control, so it’s worth the minimal effort!

Corporate Data Privacy Pointers

Corporate data privacy overlaps with personal data privacy in many areas. For instance, companies should keep software updated and follow all the other tips covered above. But there are a few extra steps they should take too:

  • Understand your data chain of custody: You should always know where your data travels, who can access it, and how it’s transmitted. Network complexity is no excuse for slacking off!
  • Secure your supply chain: Be certain your vendors match or exceed your own data privacy standards.
  • Create backups: If the worst comes to pass, having a backup will let you recover quicker — and shut hackers out faster.
  • Centralize management: Enact central policies for network oversight and propagate them from the top down instead of relying on individual departments.

Protect Your Privacy With GlassWire

These were just a few pointers on effective data privacy. But there’s a huge difference between knowing what you ought to be doing and following through. Your willingness to get over that hurdle determines whether or not you’ll enjoy the benefits of privacy, so it’s up to you to commit.

GlassWire makes it easy to get started with zero skill or effort. Set up advanced firewall rules, scan your network traffic, and exercise absolute control over what happens on your devices. Start protecting your data by trying GlassWire today.


The New Perimeter: Adapting Cybersecurity for Remote Work

Cybersecurity for remote work

The COVID-19 pandemic has forever changed work culture. Offices sit empty as a record number of people are now working from the cozy confines of their homes. But whether positive or negative, opportunity always strikes, and an uptick in cyber threats, scams, and stolen data has accompanied the teleworking trend. 

Fortunately, the start of this new year is a perfect time to enact better safety protocols and resolve to a more secure working future. With that in mind, let’s take a look at how both employees and employers are tackling cybersec-challenges in a non-office-based environment. 

A new cyberculture and booming market

An ever-growing band of threat actors can target individuals or the companies themselves. IT departments have had to scramble to update their security and cloud capabilities to deal with the vast increase in telework, highlighting (at least) two crucial factors. 

First, these companies and their employees may need time to learn these new features as they switch. 

Second, the rapidity of the remote-work shift meant that companies do not always have time to appropriately test their new securities, leaving susceptibilities that could be exploited. Further increasing risk, workers who are unused to remote work opens further avenues for phishing and other scams. 

A financial perspective 

America is the most-targeted country, facing 46% of the world’s cyber attacks. As such, the US has spent a great deal of money to thwart cyber threats, to the tune of $150 billion expended on cybersecurity in 2021. According to Cisco, 50% of large enterprises spend $1 million annually on security. The overall monetary considerations are staggering, with the cybersecurity market projected to reach $10.5 trillion in 2025. 

Keeping cyber-secure 

However, staying cyber-secure in the era of remote work doesn’t have to be stressful or complicated. By following safety guidelines, employing the latest software safety updates, and remaining vigilant, you can work safely (and comfortably) from home.

Most companies may shoulder some of the responsibility themselves, as remote employees may only be allowed to connect through firm-controlled devices that are properly patched and configured and do not store data locally. Ideally, you should utilize modern endpoint security solutions for your firm, as well as connection security parameters that you can lock. 

Your devices should also undergo routine security scans. You or your company can also avail yourselves of risk in other ways, such as limiting utilization of remote access services and user profiles only when business needs exist. Risk assessments, like asset access controls, identity access, logging, and monitoring, should also accompany cloud usage. 

Additionally, you can help protect sensitive data by ensuring you only join teleconferences while using a vetted platform protected from unauthorized access. Robust controls for critical functions can alleviate some of the worry of maintaining cybersecurity for remote work. 

Yer even the best security system is only as good as its weakest link, of course. So, one of the best defenses is to stay vigilant and skeptical, remaining aware of the possibility of threats from ever-increasing sources, including emails and social media. 

Attention and common sense go a long way 

Not all issues are technological, and those settling into remote work styles should take time to familiarize themselves with their company’s telework policies. These policies can include timing factors, such as when it is OK to perform remote work, when, or on which devices. 

The shift of the past several years has seen many occupations become remote, even those that do not necessarily deal with technological domains (e.g., writing, design, fitness and nutrition consulting, personal assistants). However, many companies will provide primers, guides, or recommendations to help their workers remain secure while working remotely. 

In the event that you’re facing some technical or other issue, the safest option is to contact your company’s IT department, rather than trying to resolve the problem yourself, or seeking assistance from a third party. 

It’s also important to remember that you aren’t on your own and not to feel overwhelmed, especially if you are not well-versed in cybersecurity for remote work or technological domains. 

Additional strategies for boosting your remote work cybersecurity

Physical security can lend to cybersecurity. This may be partly accomplished by using only the devices that are approved by your company. This means avoiding work on your personal computer, tablet, phone, or any device you share with others. 

Sometimes, you can improve your virtual safety by using a VPN (virtual private network) to provide a secure connection when handling sensitive information or accessing files. To keep your communique safe, including the topics you’d generally discuss in an office setting, emails provide the option to encrypt the messages you’re sending, generally through the settings. 

Multi-factor authentication gives an additional layer of security for little extra effort, so always utilize it where it is available. As an example, sites dealing with delicate financial data should have an option (in settings) to email or text you a code, which you enter after logging in to the aforementioned site. 

And it almost goes without saying that you can give yourself ample protection by making sure your passwords are tough to crack; long and complicated, with a variety of characters, is a wise way to go.

Being mindful is always advantageous, especially if you have many passwords or applications to juggle. You should avoid reusing a passphrase or using slightly variable versions of a single password, though some may not even realize they’re doing it. To further keep everything safe and tidy, a password manager software can be simple and invaluable. 

What else to watch for when improving your cybersecurity for remote work

Moving various applications to the cloud has its obvious advantages, but it can also incur at least one disadvantage, called cloud vendor lock-in. In the simplest terms, this means that you’ll be forced to stick with a certain vendor because terminating that service is made exceptionally difficult or expensive. 

Whether the ability to switch to another cloud provider is hindered based on cost, legal constraints, or technical incompatibilities, it’s undoubtedly a stressful situation. Especially if your provider decides to change its policies, pricing, or interoperation specifics, making it difficult for you to move data or make use of other services.  Alternatively, a provider’s quality may decline, or you may learn of their shortcomings after signing up and then be locked in. 

One way to avoid vendor lock-in is to ensure your workloads are not based on a provider’s APIs, configurations, or proprietary technology. Instead, “your workloads need to support non-proprietary alternatives.” Researching a vendor is also essential, and you should ask for a “proof of concept deployment” to see if the services match your needs.

Remain mindful and prosper 

Among the most vital aspects is to remain skeptical. Scammers and cyber-thieves will often send unsolicited emails or other messages containing links, especially those offering you monetary compensation or free goods. It’s also helpful to choose where to do your work—public spots like coffee shops can deliver a diversion or even some inspiration, but public Wi-Fi connections may not be secure. 

Fortunately, you can guard against these scams by following basic cybersecurity for remote work protocols. First and foremost, it’s essential to always update the software on your devices to ensure you are using the latest web browsers, operating systems, and security software. A personal firewall can add another layer of digital armor that brushes off various types of malicious attacks. 

As a remote worker, regardless of profession, it’s prudent to be wary of seasonal threats. Scammers, phishers, and other bad actors take advantage of any occasion, including global events, holidays, and even catastrophes, to trick others into volunteering money or information.

As a specific example, tax season sees particular risks, such as IRS impersonation scams and an increase in other data-stealing schemes. 

So it’s best not to share information via text, calls, emails, or social media unless you absolutely know the entity on the other side. Plus, scammers often employ telltale strategies, such as contacting you specifically and posing as an entity that wouldn’t do so (such as the IRS) to ask for immediate payment. This immediacy can be a clear giveaway. 

A bright remote–working future ahead

The telework trend is, more than likely, here to stay. As are the many threat actors seeking to exploit and steal. But one can find remote success and security by following the above advice, as well as staying informed about current trends and innovations, both by benevolent white-hats and malicious actors. It’s the only way for both organizations and team members to stay safe when working remotely. 


Cybersecurity Horizons 2024: Navigating the Next Wave of Digital Defense


Cybersecurity in the era of digital progress, where data flow is steadily increasing and securing information systems is an issue, is becoming extremely relevant. Cyber threats are constantly evolving, requiring new, more advanced technological solutions. This article will look at advanced security technologies that are key in preserving data confidentiality, integrity, and availability in 2024.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) in Cybersecurity

cybersecurity and artificial intelligence

AI tools are evolving rapidly and uncontrollably, and cyber criminals are taking advantage. They have already learned how to use generative AI to create malicious code for automated malware attacks and how to use text, video, and image generation tools for phishing and social engineering practices.

However, cybersecurity experts are also implementing AI tools – algorithms that help automatically detect threats in real-time, identify anomalous behavior and fake generated content, and implement smart authentication and automated threat response mechanisms.

Zero Trust Architecture

cybersecurity and zero trust

Building a zero-trust architecture is a complex and ongoing process. In 2024, organizations will not apply all zero-trust principles or implement them all at once. They will start implementing such an architecture with small steps: identify and classify all the resources in the organization, implement effective user verification mechanisms, and start granting users only the privileges they need now.

Quantum-Safe Cryptography

type of cryptography

With the development of quantum computing, a new perspective on cryptography has emerged. Quantum-safe cryptography uses features of quantum physics to create encryption keys that are virtually impossible to crack. This technology will enhance data security in 2024.

Cloud Cybersecurity

cloud security

Cloud security solutions provide scalable and flexible tools for data protection. They include monitoring, analytics, and threat detection systems. They provide tools for access control and encryption in cloud environments.

Internet of Things (IoT) Securityiot security

Last year, there was funny news that attackers could attack smart pet feeders due to their lack of built-in security. However, the news seems funny only at first glance. The more digital society becomes, the more at risk we all are. Smart devices have long been used to create botnets and DDoS attacks, and smart speakers, cameras, and TVs, for example, can eavesdrop and spy on you after being hacked. Now imagine the possibilities if attackers hack into a remote employee’s smart speaker and are able to eavesdrop on all work meetings.

Ransomware Resilience, cybersecurity and Mitigation

Ransomware resilience and mitigation have become critical focuses in cybersecurity. With the escalating threat of ransomware attacks, organizations prioritize measures to fortify their digital defenses. This includes regular data backups, employee training on cyber hygiene, and advanced threat detection systems for proactive resilience. 

Additionally, swift incident response plans, encryption technologies, and a heightened cybersecurity culture contribute to effective mitigation strategies. These efforts not only strengthen an organization’s ability to withstand ransomware but also serve as a deterrent against malicious actors, fostering a more secure digital environment.

Biometric Authentication and Advanced Identity Management

In 2024, more organizations are expected to perform additional identity verification to ensure that all employees, partners, and customers are who they say they are during account registration, especially as artificial intelligence improves.

Organizations will increasingly use identity verification to ensure account access or reset requests. Technology can also compare employee photos and information with government documents, as well as provide fake detection to ensure someone is not using an image or video created by artificial intelligence.

Privacy-Enhancing Technologies for cybersecurity

Privacy-enhancing technologies (PETs) are crucial tools in cybersecurity for safeguarding sensitive information. They use encryption and anonymization to keep data secure during transmission and storage, protecting user identities. PETs are essential for compliance with privacy regulations like GDPR, ensuring responsible data handling. By implementing these technologies, organizations enhance user confidence in engaging with digital platforms, as personal information is shielded from unauthorized access or misuse. 

The ongoing development of PETs underscores the commitment to reinforcing digital privacy in an era where data protection is paramount.

Incident Response and Threat Intelligence Sharing

In a cyberattack, an organization’s response should not be limited to its solution. Even if the perpetrators did not achieve their goal, it is important to draw conclusions from the incident and take additional measures like threat intelligence sharing. 

Threat intelligence sharing is important in responding to potential threats and should answer several questions. How did the attackers act? What vulnerabilities in the system did they find? Did staff respond adequately to the hack? How effective were the security team’s actions?

Threat intelligence sharing is important for updating security policies and training employees to make the organization more resilient to new cyberattacks. You must learn from others’ mistakes and scrutinize hacking episodes at other companies.


Cybersecurity technologies are becoming increasingly sophisticated and integrated in response to ever-changing threats. With modern developments in artificial intelligence and other technologies featured in this article, companies can build robust and resilient security systems, warning themselves against cyberattacks and keeping valuable data safe. It is important to keep up with new trends and update systems to stay one step ahead of cybercriminals.


Stacey Wonder is a content marketer who enjoys sharing best practices for self-development and careers with others. In her free time, Stacey is fond of contemporary dance and classic French movies. You may feel free to reach out to her at or for collaboration suggestions.